Ah, the consideration stage of the marketing funnel.

At this stage, people know who your brand is, they have an idea of what your product or service is — and they’re even a little bit interested in buying it. But, they’re not quite ready to make a purchase just yet. Your goal with a consideration campaign is to push them towards conversion.

There’s a lot to consider (pun intended) when crafting a consideration ad campaign on Meta and Google, from ad creative to budget. Today, we’re focusing on the timeline of your campaign. How many weeks should you run your consideration campaign on Meta or Google? Let’s dig in.

How many weeks should you run a consideration campaign on Google or Meta?

While every campaign is different, experts generally agree that a timeline of 3 to 6 weeks is sufficient for consideration campaigns on Google Ads and Meta. This length of time is long enough to allow users to encounter and interact with your ads, give you enough data to assess the performance of your campaign, and enable the algorithms to optimize your campaign for the best results.

How to decide how long you should run your consideration campaign on Meta or Google Ads

The amount of time you choose to run a consideration ad campaign on Google or Meta can depend on several factors, from your customer behavior to your budget.

The average lifetime value (LTV) of your customers

If you have a high customer LTV, you may want to run your consideration campaign for a bit longer, and spend a little bit more of your budget. If your customer LTV is low, it may make more sense to run your campaign for a shorter period of time. 

There may be more nuances here as well, depending on the range of your products and services. Some products may have significantly lower (or higher) LTVs than others, so be sure to factor that in when deciding on a timeline for your consideration campaign.

The typical length of your customer journey

Some customer journeys tend to be longer, particularly for higher-ticket products or sophisticated services. Research suggests customers journeys have gotten longer in general, with over half (51%) of customers taking between 1 to 9 months to make a purchase. 

When planning your consideration campaign on Meta or Google, factor in the length of your average customer journey.

Which platform you’re using for your campaign

Google users are typically seeking information, which makes Google Ads a perfect platform for consideration campaigns. Focus on highlighting the benefits of your products and services, and the other details these information seekers crave when making a purchasing decision. 

Meta users, on the other hand, are choosing to be social, whether they’re on Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp. Be conversational and aspirational with your ad copy and creative, using connection and creativity to help people imagine the benefits they’ll enjoy once they convert.

The budget for your campaign

If you have a big budget, you can be more flexible with your consideration campaign, choosing to let it run longer to stand out from your competition and gather more insights (and hopefully conversions!). If you’re working with a tighter budget, you might need to run your campaign for a shorter amount of time to get results.

Note that you can choose between daily or lifetime budgets on Meta, while Google offers daily budgets.

How many weeks to run a consideration campaigns on Google or Meta: The bottom line

Ideally, you should run a consideration campaign on Google or Meta for at least 3 to 6 weeks, but that’s just a benchmark. Every campaign is different. To make an informed decision, factor in considerations like your average customer LTV, customer journey, and the platform you’re using. 

Then, supercharge your campaign performance by partnering with the advertising experts at Your Marketing People. Contact us today to learn how we can take your campaigns to new heights.

Alisha Rechberg

Author Alisha Rechberg

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