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Did you know the average conversion rate hovers around 0.5% to 4%?

Those numbers seem depressingly low, until you recognize that they obscure one key factor: not everyone converts the first time they come to your website. 

That’s why you need to continue marketing to them. Specifically, you need to re-market to them, by targeting the people who have already visited your website, and giving them a reason to come back.

What is remarketing?

Remarketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on remarketing to people who have already visited or interacted with your website or app. 

Remarketing ads allow you to show ads to those specific people as they browse various Google properties. These ads might show them items they left in their cart, or simply remind them of your value proposition. Either way, these ads offer highly targeted messaging that keeps your brand top of mind — with people who have already demonstrated an interest in what you have to offer.

Why use remarketing ads?

The benefits of Google remarketing are plenty. Leverage remarketing in your marketing strategy, and you can:

  • Show ads to a primed audience. Remarketing ads target people who have already demonstrated some level of interest in your brand. Because of that, they’re more likely to convert. All they need is just a little extra push.
  • Target the right people at the right time. Not only do remarketing ads target people who are already interested in your brand, but they target them at the right time, such as when their search activity suggests they’re in the mood to make a purchase, or they’re actively searching for you on Google.
  • Recapture abandoned carts. Remarketing was made for saving abandoned carts. With remarketing display ads, you can even show people images of the very items they left behind.
  • Let Google do some of the work for you. With automated bidding and dynamic remarketing ads, you can leave a lot of the manual work to Google, clearing up your time for more important tasks. 
  • Get more out of your advertising campaigns. Because remarketing ads are already targeting a more willing audience, you can enjoy more efficient spend and squeeze more ROI from your campaigns. 

Where do remarketing ads appear on Google?

All over! Remarketing ads can appear in the Google search results, on YouTube, and across the Google Display Network of over 2 million websites, videos, and apps. If people are signed in to Google, your ads can appear across even more Google products. 

Your remarketing ads can appear after people have already left your website and are browsing other apps and websites in the Google Display Network. You can even remarket to people who have visited your YouTube channel or viewed one of your videos. That’s exciting enough, but remarketing ads can get even more targeted.

For example, with dynamic remarketing ads, you can include the exact products and services these people viewed on your site in your ads. Say goodbye to abandoned carts and lead forms! 

With remarketing lists for search ads, or RLSAs for short, you can add customizations to your existing search ads that only apply to retargeting audiences. You can bid on additional keywords. You can show different ads to different people, based on their behavior on your site, whether it be adding something to their cart or just browsing. You can even increase your bids by a certain percentage just for people who have recently visited your site. 

Say yes to remarketing

If you invest in any kind of advertising, make it remarketing. Remarketing is a smart way to recapture potential buyers and convert them. 

When we implemented remarketing as part of a holistic advertising strategy for one of our eCommerce clients, they enjoyed a 34% increase in transactions and 43% increase in revenue
Interested to see what results remarketing can drive for your business? Contact our experts today.

Alisha Rechberg

Author Alisha Rechberg

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