Ah, the holidays. It’s a marketer’s favorite time of year. 

The days are filled with cheer and conversions. 

Of course, those conversions don’t just happen. For a cheerful (and profitable) holiday season, you’ll need to put in some work — starting with creating holiday gifting pages.

Why create holiday gift pages for advertising?

Gift pages can supercharge your sales during the holiday season. Here’s why. With holiday gift pages, you can:

  • Stay top of mind with shoppers. A holiday gift guide is a timely and topical piece of content that you can promote across your social media, in your email newsletter, and throughout your website. Over 60% of Americans are trying to be the best gift shopper in their family. To help them achieve this coveted status, they turn to gift guides from their favorite brands. Make your customers a hero this season with a dedicated page curated with your most popular gifts. 
  • Boost sales and AOV. The average shopper buys gifts for 8 people. They don’t have time to browse your entire website. A holiday gift page can save them time and stress, making it as easy as pie for them to click “Buy Now.” Plus, shoppers specifically seek out an easy gift-buying experience, with “making products easy to find” their #1 consideration when shopping online.

Target different audiences. Creating holiday gift pages for advertising allows you to tailor the content of the page to specific audiences, increasing the success of your holiday advertising campaigns. The research doesn’t lie: the more landing pages you have, the higher your conversion rates.

What to include on your holiday gift pages

Clearly, holiday gift pages have a lot going for them. Here are a few tips to follow when crafting yours this year.

1. Design for different audiences

As we mentioned above, the more landing pages you have, the higher your conversion rates. That’s because with more landing pages, you can develop more personalized messaging. With holiday gift pages in particular, that means designing pages not necessarily for the buyer or gift-giver — but for the gift recipient. 

You can start with the standard, high-level pages, like Gifts for Her, for Him, for Mom, for Dad, for Kids, and so on. But, depending on what you sell, you can get even granular. You might have Gifts for Pet Parents, Gardeners, or Side Hustlers.

Dig deep into your sales data, and design pages with those audiences in mind — and then target the related keywords in your ad campaigns.

2. Feature the right products

It’s worth putting some thought into what products you choose to feature on your holiday gift pages. With each gift recipient in mind, consider which of your products they’re most likely to love, paying special attention to your product bundles, best-sellers, and gift sets. 

Create call-out boxes for any add-ons or upsells you have, too, such as gift wrapping, cards, and stocking stuffers.

Also think about how many products you want to feature. The goal is not to overwhelm, but to provide a decent variety for people to browse through.

3. Don’t forget your call to action

You want this page to sell, right? So don’t forget to include a big ol’ CTA at the top of the page encouraging people to find and buy the perfect gift. Then, by every product, include an “Add to Cart” or “Quick Buy” button.

To create a sense of urgency, include a guide to shipping times, so people know when they need to buy in order for their gifts to arrive on time. 

Speaking of calls to action, here’s ours. At Your Marketing People, our team of digital marketing experts know how to make your holiday ad campaigns a success. Contact us today to learn how we can help you grow your customer base and sell more this holiday season.

Alisha Rechberg

Author Alisha Rechberg

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