ChatGPT has been making headlines for months. Isn’t it about time it makes blogging easier for you?

If you’re like most marketers, the answer is a resounding yes. 75% of people trust content written by generative AI, and one in three think it could actually create better content than something written by a human.

Whether you’re ready to dive in headfirst with AI content creation, or you’re just looking to dip your toe in the water, read on. We share seven ways AI makes blogging easy.

1. Brainstorm blog topics

That’s right. AI can help you plan out your editorial calendar. Simply tell ChatGPT you’re looking for a set of blog posts related to a particular topic, industry, or product, and the AI-powered assistant will wow you with its response. 

You can provide further direction as to how many blog topics you want it to suggest, or drill down into a specific type of blog post, like a listicle or how-to piece. Speaking of which, two in three bloggers say they rely on AI to create how-to content.

2. Find target keywords for SEO

Ever feel like your SEO tools get too in the weeds? Streamline your blog keyword research with ChatGPT or another AI content tool. 

You might ask ChatGPT for a list of target keywords for one of your competitors, or you could seed it with a handful of starter keywords and ask it to provide more long-tail options.

3. Write a first draft

If you’ve ever experienced writer’s block, then you know that sometimes, getting started is the hardest part. Free yourself from the agony and let ChatGPT do the hard work. 

You can give it a simple headline and ask it to write a blog for you, or you could upload a suggested outline and let ChatGPT do the rest. You can even specify your target word count.

4. Find credible sources

Let’s say you know what you want to write about, but you need help finding sources to base your article on. ChatGPT and Google Bard are here to save the day. 

Both AI chat tools show you what references they use to write their responses. So, have it write a blog draft based on your topic, and then dig in to find what sources it used.

5. Create original images

You probably already know that adding images to a blog post is important for ranking, but did you know how important? According to HubSpot, adding an image to your article nearly doubles the views that article receives.

If you’re not a graphic designer, no worries. DALL·E, ChatGPT’s image-focused cousin, is here to help. Prompt the tool with what you’re looking for, and keep providing feedback until you’ve created the image of your dreams.

6. Draft social media posts

As much effort goes into blogging, it’s only the first step. Next comes promotion. To get eyeballs on your blog, you’ll want to promote it on social media.

Conversational AI is useful here as well. Copy and paste your blog draft or the post URL into the tool, and tell it how many social posts you are looking for. You can even specify character limits or the platform you’ll be posting on, so it can nail the right tone.

7. Generate scripts for webinars or podcasts

If you’re like 94% of marketers, you repurpose your content for multiple channels and uses. You can use AI to further ease your workload.

If you want to base a podcast episode or webinar on one of your blog topics, ask ChatGPT to generate a script for you. You can specify the number of speakers, and how long you want the discussion to be. Simply upload the draft of the blog and ask away.

Leveraging AI in your marketing is a smart move, but it pays to do it right. For expert guidance on how AI can take your marketing to new heights, contact Your Marketing People.

Alisha Rechberg

Author Alisha Rechberg

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