With a return on investment (ROI) of $36 for every $1 spent, it’s no surprise that email marketing revenue is expected to more than double over the next five years.

But, what makes an effective marketing email? Read on as we share the essential email marketing tips you need to know in 2024.

1. Follow Google’s new inbox rules

Effective February 2024, Google and Yahoo have new rules for bulk email senders. (A bulk email sender is anyone who sends at least 5,000 emails to Google or Yahoo inboxes in one day.) To stay on top of these new regulations, you will need to:

  • Authenticate your sending domain
  • Enable one-click unsubscribes from the email header
  • Stay below a spam rate threshold of 0.3%
  • Set up a DMARC record

You can complete these steps through your email marketing provider. 

2. Give people options 

The #1 reason people unsubscribe? Receiving too many emails. So, give your subscribers some say in how often they hear from you, and what they hear from you about.

Segmenting is critical to email marketing success in 2024. According to HubSpot, segmented emails drive 30% more opens — and 50% more click-throughs — than unsegmented emails. The more options you can give subscribers, the better.

3. Optimize your subject lines

First impressions are everything. Nowhere is that more true than an email subject line. 

A subject line can literally make or break your email. Nearly half (47%) of people say they open an email based solely on the subject line. Even more frightening, 69% mark it as spam based on the subject line. Brainstorm and A/B test a healthy amount of subject lines to boost your email open rates in 2024. 

Pro Tip: When in doubt, personalize your subject lines. And while you’re at it, personalize the email preview text as well.

4. Use AI to scale your campaigns

A majority of marketers agree that AI is most useful when applied to email copy. 95% who use it to create email copy rate it as effective, with 54% rating it as “very effective,” according to HubSpot. You can use generative AI to:

  • Generate a list of subject lines to test
  • Develop email copy for different personas
  • Create drip campaigns at scale
  • Produce original images for your emails

Pro Tip: Consider AI-generated content your first draft. You still want a set of human eyes to proofread your emails before you press send.

5. Get interactive

In 2024, we can expect to see a lot more interactive elements in marketing emails. How can you make your emails more engaging? Try the following:

  • Make emails pop with moving images like videos and GIFs. 
  • Include personalized content that updates in real-time based on your user’s location, such as weather. 
  • Update static call-to-action (CTA) buttons with ones that change color or size when a user hovers over. 
  • Bring product images to life with rollover effects. 
  • Embed interactive elements like polls, reviews, or feedback surveys, encouraging users to interact directly within the body of your email. 

6. Keep it clean

We’re not talking about your copy (although chances are you should keep that clean, too). Rather, we’re talking about the design of your email. 

It’s all about keeping things simple, modern, and minimalist these days. Build trust with your audience — and reduce their visual fatigue — by adopting a clean email design. Use a healthy amount of whitespace. Choose fonts that are clear and easy to read. Don’t overload your email with too much content or information. Optimize images for fast loading. 

Pro Tip: Speaking of keeping things clean, regularly scrub your email list of inactive or unengaged subscribers. This improves your sender rating and helps you avoid the spam filter. 

7. Update your metrics

We’re way past mere opens and clicks when it comes to analyzing email marketing success. Of course, those metrics are still important, but there’s a whole lot more you can measure in 2024. If you haven’t updated your email metrics in a while, consider adding these to your reports:

  • Subscriber lifetime value
  • List growth rate
  • Engagement over time
  • Email sharing or forwarding rate
  • Overall campaign ROI

Enjoying email marketing success in 2024

…starts with having the right team on your side. Contact Your Marketing People to discover how our email marketing experts can revitalize your campaigns and boost engagement and revenue in 2024.

Alisha Rechberg

Author Alisha Rechberg

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