What Should My Email Drip Campaign Focus On?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Email drip campaigns are one of the most effective methods for engaging with prospects and customers. With an email drip campaign, you can send subscribers hyper-personalized content, automatically delivered at the optimal time for them to consume it.

Many brands use marketing emails to welcome new subscribers with a 10% off thanks-for-subscribing offer, or an email series introducing them to your most popular blog posts. But email drip campaigns can be so much more!

Whether you’re just getting started with email drip campaigns, or have an established program in place you want to expand, read on. We’ll cover four creative email drip campaign ideas your brand can try.

1. Nurture B2B leads with downloadable content

Does your brand use downloadable content, like ebooks and whitepapers, to attract leads for your B2B business? Turn those one-off transactions into a email nurture campaign.

  • After a lead fills in their information on the landing page for your ebook, immediately send them the ebook.
  • Then, a few days later, send them another email, this time linking to a followup white paper that goes in depth on one or more of the points outlined in the ebook.
  • Once they’ve downloaded two pieces of content, this lead is beginning to feel confident that your business can solve their problem. Show them their confidence is well-placed by including customers testimonials, or perhaps a case study related to their industry, in your next email.
  • Conclude the email series with a CTA to set up a demo or sales call.

2. Secure subscriptions and upgrade purchases through training

After someone purchases from you, the transactional journey doesn’t end there. You’ve just entered the retention stage. Now, it’s up to you to ensure they get the most out of their purchase.

This doesn’t just make their lives better; it helps your bottom line, too. When customers are satisfied with your product, they’re more likely to keep purchasing from you, renewing their subscription or upgrading through add-on services.

  • Send users an email congratulating them on their purchase. Outline blog posts and resource areas on your website where they can learn how to use your product.
  • Create a series of training emails that walks users through the basic to advanced features of your product. Each email may focus on one of these features, using a video, walkthrough tutorial, or blog post to explain it. As long as subscribers keep clicking, send them the next email in the series.
  • If customers get stuck at any point, send them an email introducing your friendly customer service team who is ready and willing to help.

Pro Tip: If you sell a subscription-based product, prepare a drip campaign to go out before you  send them a cold “Here’s What To Expect on Your Next Credit Card Bill” email. Remind them of any new features you’ve added in the past year, and include hacks other users have shared on social media. You want them to be excited about renewing with you, instead of questioning whether they should cancel.

3. Boost sales by encouraging social promotion

Email drip campaigns are great for driving additional sales from your most loyal customers. But your current customers can also help you meet other, net-new customers. You just need to show them the way with an email drip campaign.

  • In your order confirmation email, include a call-out for customers to share their purchase on social media. Make it worth their while by offering them a dollar-off discount on their next purchase if they share on social media and @mention your brand.
  • Then, while they’re waiting for their order to arrive, keep anticipation high by emailing them a link to a blog post outlining the top tips for using your product.
  • After their purchase arrives, encourage them to show off your product on social media. Promise to reshare it on your own channels if they @mention your brand.
  • A few weeks later, after they’ve had some time to use your product, ask them to review the product on your site. Their positive review goes a long way toward swaying others to purchase it in the future.

4. Promote your webinars and events

Got a webinar or event coming up? Generate RSVPs and ensure attendance with a dedicated drip campaign.

  • Start with an email introducing customers to your event. Months before the event, notify them with a short and sweet event announcement. Hype it up by telling them to save the date registration goes live.
  • As the registration date nears, send an email reminding people that registration is nearly open. Share key details about the event, plus some benefits they’ll enjoy by attending.
  • When registration opens, email everyone to let them know. Encourage them to share their RSVPs on social media. Drum up excitement by offering an early-bird discount to a limited number of attendees.
  • In between registration opening and your event, follow up with targeted emails that build FOMO. Highlight notable speakers at your event. Give subscribers a sneak peek at the swag. Remind them of all the key info they’ll miss out on if they don’t attend.
  • After your event, follow up with another set of emails, this time highlighting the social media coverage, top takeaways, and perhaps offering a discount on one of your related products. This thank you email is critical to reminding people of the value of your event and making them want to come to the next one!

Drip Your Way to Success

Email drip campaigns can be applied to all sorts of business, and to all kinds of goals. Feel free to get creative. Your subscribers will thank you for it!
Need help getting started? Contact Your Marketing People. We’re all about helping brands engage customers and grow revenue through smart email marketing.

Success is in the results.

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Alisha Rechberg

Author Alisha Rechberg

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