Choosing to advertise is a big step for any business. It signals a time when you are ready for serious growth, and you have the funds to make it happen. Congratulations!

But, like any investment, you want to make sure it’s going to pay off. Are Google Ads the right choice for your business? How can advertising on Google help you advance your business goals? Let’s review.

1. Grow your brand awareness

One in three people start their product search on Google. Among Gen Z, that percentage is even higher, at nearly 40%.

Advertising on Google allows you to showcase your brand to people when they are ready to buy. Unlike SEO, where you have to work for months (or years) to increase your engines in the search rankings, Google Ads lets you shortcut your way to the top of the search results. This top position increases your brand familiarity and awareness — giving you a competitive edge.

2. Expand your audience

With Google Ads, you can select from a huge range of targeting criteria to zoom in on the people most likely to be your customers. From location and demographics to keywords and search behavior, you can ensure your ads reach your target audience. 

Google Ads not only helps you reach the right audience for your services or products today; it helps you expand your audience as you learn more about your customers and discover new types of people who are interested in your products and services. 

3. Increase your sales

Increasing sales is one of the top reasons people invest in Google Ads, and for good reason: it works. People say they are twice as likely to purchase something they saw on YouTube. With the power of video advertising, you can be one of the products they buy. 

Of course, video ads are just one of the many types of ads Google offers. You can also experiment with traditional search ads, display ads, and even responsive display ads — an innovative ad type that lets you upload different assets and marketing copy, which Google combines in real-time to create the optimal ad most likely to get an individual to convert in that moment.

4. Increase your website traffic

Google Ads boost website traffic by showing your ads to the people who are actively searching for the products or services your business offers. When setting up your campaigns, you can bid on specific keywords to ensure your ads get shown to the right people.

You can also select negative keywords — as in, the keywords you don’t want your ads to show up for. As a business owner, you know that there are certain terms that are not related to your business. By adding these as negative keywords, you can avoid wasting spend on search terms unlikely to yield relevant traffic.

5. Maximize your return on investment

One of the best things about Google Ads is that it is cost-effective. Since it uses a pay-per-click (PPC) model, you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad. That’s how Google Ads offers a ROI of $2 up to $2.30 for every $1 spent.

Plus, you have total control over how much you spend on your Google Ads. With the ability to set maximum bids, and cap your budgets by day and by campaign, there’s no risk of spending more than you expected.

6. Gain actionable insights for your business

In addition to helping you reach your immediate business goals, Google Ads helps you reach your future business goals. Thanks to its robust analytics and reporting features, you can see what’s working, what’s not, and apply those insights right back into your campaigns for better performance.

As your Google advertising strategy matures, you’ll discover new insights in your ad performance that allows you to take more strategic action on future business decisions, such as expanding into a new product line or vertical.

Advance your business goals with Google Ads

Google Ads is designed to help brands advance their business goals, whether you want to reach more people, make more sales, or drive more awareness — or all of the above. 

Whatever your business goal, Google Ads can help you get there, and so can Your Marketing People. Our Google Advertising experts have years of experience in designing and implementing advertising campaigns that drive results for our clients, and exceed their business goals.

Alisha Rechberg

Author Alisha Rechberg

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