Christmas. Black Friday. Valentine’s Day. Memorial Day.

When it comes to holidays and Google Ads, there’s always a holiday your brand can be celebrating. Heck, you can even go the Amazon route and create your own holiday (we’re looking at you, Prime Day).

And that’s not all. You can also run seasonal ad campaigns to target spring cleaners, summer vacationers, and back-to-school shoppers. 

Seasonal trends and holidays offer brands opportunities to keep their marketing fresh, and optimize their Google Ads campaigns for stronger results. By paying attention to — and acting on — these trends, you can align your advertising efforts with consumer behavior, ensuring you capture attention during peak periods. 

Read on as we share how to effectively plan seasonal campaigns in Google Ads.

Planning your seasonal Google Ads campaign

Every good Google Ads campaign starts with a strong plan. You know that. Here’s what to focus on for a seasonal or holiday-focused campaign.

1. Review your data

Begin by analyzing past performance data to identify patterns in customer behavior during different seasons. Look for spikes in traffic, conversion rates, and sales during specific times of the year. 

If you don’t have this data yet, or if you’re running a holiday sale for the first time, check out Google Trends. This valuable tool shows you search interest over time so you can see exactly when certain keywords gain popularity.

2. Set a goal for your campaign

What do you want your seasonal Google Ads campaign to do for your brand? Are you hoping to increase sales, boost traffic, drive brand awareness, or sell out stale inventory? 

Having clear goals will help you stay on track as you plan your seasonal campaign.

3. Do your keyword research

Optimize your keyword strategy to align with seasonal search behavior. Incorporate holiday-specific keywords and phrases that consumers are likely to use. 

For example, if you’re running a campaign for Christmas, include keywords like “Christmas gifts,” “holiday deals,” and “holiday discounts.”

Create a seasonal campaign that stands out

Things get loud during seasonal sales. Your competitors will be making a lot of noise trying to grab shoppers’ attention. Here’s how to make sure your campaign stands out.

1. Tailor your copy for the holiday

Craft compelling ad copy that highlights seasonal promotions, discounts, and limited-time offers. Use persuasive language to create a sense of urgency, encouraging consumers to act quickly. 

Incorporate holiday-themed imagery and festive elements to make your ads even more appealing and relevant.

2. Personalize your messaging

When developing the creative assets for your campaign, keep your target audience top of mind. What are they looking for during this particular holiday or season, and how can your brand deliver? 

Segment your audience based on demographics, interests, and past behavior. Then spin up various campaigns for each of these segments.

3. Optimize your landing pages

Ensure your landing pages are optimized for the season. Create dedicated landing pages that reflect your seasonal promotions and provide a seamless user experience. 

Use clear calls-to-action and ensure the checkout process is as smooth and efficient as possible to maximize conversions.

4. Launch remarketing campaigns

People shop around during the holidays. Make sure they don’t forget what your brand has on offer by launching a remarketing campaign in Google Ads. 

These campaigns can effectively re-engage past visitors who have already shown interest in your products. Use holiday-themed ads to remind them of your seasonal offers and encourage them to return and complete their purchase.

Optimizing your budget for seasonal Google Ads campaigns

Improving your ROI or reaching a target ROAS isn’t just about spending budget; it’s about spending budget wisely. Here’s how to do just that.

1. Adjust your budget

Happily, the holidays bring higher search volumes. Unhappily, they also bring increased competition. So, adjust your budget accordingly. Ride the wave of consumer interest and allocate more budget to your higher-performing campaigns and keywords.

It’s essential to monitor your budget closely and adjust as needed to avoid overspending or missing out on valuable clicks.

2. Reevaluate your bids

Higher bids can help secure better ad placements, ensuring your ads are seen by a larger audience. So, you may want to increase bids on your top-performing keywords to improve ad visibility during seasonal periods. 

Consider using automated bidding strategies, like Target CPA or Target ROAS, to optimize bids based on your campaign goals.

3. Monitor your performance

Seasonal trends can fluctuate rapidly, so it’s crucial to monitor your campaigns in real-time. Keep an eye on key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend. 

Be prepared to make quick adjustments to your budget and bidding strategies based on performance data.

Making the holidays work for you in Google Ads

By strategically leveraging seasonal trends and holidays in your Google Ads campaigns, you can enjoy significant gains in your advertising performance. Stay agile, monitor your campaigns closely, and be ready to adapt to changing trends to maximize your success in seasonal advertising.

For personalized guidance tailored to your brand and your advertising goals, contact the digital  marketing experts at Your Marketing People.

Alisha Rechberg

Author Alisha Rechberg

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