If you manage a small business or online brand, you know that you need to invest in Google Ads. 44% of consumers make a purchase after they see an ad. As a result, the average business makes $2 for every $1 they invest in Google Ads

But, how do you get started with Google Ads for your business? 

Read on for four ways to become an expert in Google Ads.

1. Get certified in Google Ads

Getting certified is one of the best ways to become an expert in Google Ads. Each Google Ads certification includes an online course that teaches you what you need to know about a particular area of Google Ads, from adding keywords to your campaign to how Smart Bidding works

Once you’ve completed the learning modules, you take a 75-minute exam. Score 80% or higher, and you’ll be officially certified! 

Google Ads currently offers over ten certifications, allowing you to build out your skills in the advertising formats that are most relevant to your business:

  • Google Ads Search
  • Google Ads Display
  • Google Ads Video
  • Shopping ads
  • Google Ads Apps
  • Google Ads Measurement
  • Google Ads Search Professional
  • Google Ads Display Professional
  • Google Ads Video Professional
  • Google Ads Creative
  • Grow Offline Sales

Best of all, these Google Ads certification courses are offered for free, and, as an online course, you can work through them at your convenience.

2. Subscribe to YouTube channels

Are you more of a visual learner? Then learning by YouTube may be the best path for you. There are a multitude of YouTube channels dedicated to Google Ads tips and tricks, taught by influencers, advertising experts, and even the Google team themselves.

On their YouTube channel, the Google Ads team offers step-by-step tutorials you can follow along as you set up your ads:

google ads youtube channel

You can also search YouTube to find more tutorials and channels to watch. Type in what you want to learn (e.g. “set up google shopping ads”) and the word “tutorial,” and you’ll find plenty of videos. Once you find a YouTuber you like, subscribe to watch more of their videos.

search for google ads tutorial on youtube

3. Follow industry blogs

For those who like to read, there are Google Ads blogs. From industry publications to marketing software and agency blogs, there is no shortage of blog articles that walk you through the benefits and how-to of Google Ads. 

In addition to our own digital marketing blog here at Your Marketing People, consider subscribing to the following blogs:

  • HubSpot
  • Search Engine Land
  • Search Engine Journal
  • PPC Hero

And, of course, you can subscribe to the official blog for Google Ads. There, the Google Ads team shares the newest advertising features, along with best practices and guidance, to help you become an expert in Google Ads.

official google ads blog

4. Put it into practice

The best way to learn is to do. So, once you’ve got a few lessons and tutorials under your belt, it’s time to put that knowledge into practice. 

Set up your Google Advertising account and start experimenting. Play around with different campaign types and ad formats, but make sure to put a cap on your spend. 

To avoid wasting your budget — and to see results fast — you’ll want to partner with Google Ads experts you can trust. At Your Marketing People, our team of highly skilled advertising experts have experience in running successful campaigns for a variety of businesses, from eCommerce to education. 

Contact us today to discover what we can do for you.

Alisha Rechberg

Author Alisha Rechberg

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