How to Use Instagram for Network Marketing

Network marketing is all about building relationships and getting referrals from customers who are happy with your brand and customer service. And Instagram, which is used by 1 billion people every month, is a great social media platform to build your tribe.

Keep reading for our professional tips on how you can use Instagram to expand your brand network and increase your sales and rep downline by becoming a brand Influencer.

What is Influencer Marketing and Who Should Use It?

Influencer marketing is all about using social media to create social proof for your brand. When an Instagram user gains a following for promoting a certain lifestyle, he or she gains the credibility of his followers for any products or services recommended on his or her feed.

A variety of brands can user Influencer marketing on Instagram, including:

  • Fashion and beauty
  • Health and fitness
  • Parenting

With such a wide array of network marketing programs providing products in these industries, it’s easy to see how becoming an Influencer can help you with selling products in your network.

Become an Influencer By Creating an Authentic Brand of Your Life

Instagram followers don’t want to see product post after product post. Instead, they want to follow interesting people and lifestyle brands. That’s exactly how Influencers create their large group of followers and make an impact.

Whether your network marketing business is to sell protein shakes, makeup, or children’s books, You should use these key elements of your Instagram profile as the foundation for creating your personal brand:

  • Create a Unique Instagram Handle That’s About You

Whatever the name of your personal brand, don’t try to think of a unique Instagram handle that incorporates its name that hasn’t already been claimed. Chances are, your pickings are slim. Plus, people on Instagram aren’t looking for product promotions, they’re looking to connect with you and observe and interact with your lifestyle!

Instagram allows user names to be 30 characters in length. Use these characters wisely and make your handle fun and unique.

  • Use an Eye-Grabbing Photo as Your Profile Photo

Engaging images are everything on Instagram. Don’t use your logo as your profile picture. Instead, use an aesthetically pleasing profile of you. Remember, you’re creating a channel about your lifestyle with your brand, not just a place to push your product.

  • Incorporate Keywords Related to Your Brand in Your Bio

Your bio is only 150 characters (and yes, that includes spaces and punctuation marks). To tell your story about you and your offers as effectively as possible, load it up with keywords related to your brand. To find them, use the Instagram search bar to research your target market.

  • Use Your Link to Make it Easy for Followers to Purchase from You

You need to make it as easy as possible for your followers to buy your products from you. Make sure you include a link to your personalized online store for easy purchasing.

  • Make Sure Your Content Shows and Authentic Version of You

Don’t make your Instagram feed a highlight reel that everyone will think is fiction. Be real and authentic! Do you sell hair products, and are having a bad hair day? Post before and after images to see the actual results your products deliver.

Want to share some encouraging words or tell an embarrassing story of what your kids did while you were grocery shopping today? Use Instagram Stories – which are used by 500 million accounts on a daily basis.

The most important thing you can do on Instagram – outside of posting intriguing images and using the right hashtags – is to be real and relatable. After all, that’s exactly what your customers want when they choose a rep to make a purchase from your brand network.

Person on Instagram on Phone

Follow Your Network’s Top Sellers for Content Ideas

If you want to be a top seller in your network marketing business, you need to emulate the sellers who’ve already reached that status. Follow the Instagram accounts of your brand’s top-performing reps, and take careful notice of what they post – and how often. They’re likely mixing up a combination of posts that are inspiring, educational, and entertaining, with occasional promotion posts about their products or special offerings your personal brand is running.

Also, pay close attention to the hashtags they use. Hashtags get you discovered on Instagram, but they should be targeted. If you use a hashtag that has millions of posts, your content will get lost in a sea of images.

Have Conversations With Your Followers and Reply to ALL DMs

If you’re only pushing out content, no matter how pretty your images are, you’re not going to make sales. Remember, you’re using Instagram to build a tribe of people who see you living your best life with the products you sell.

When people comment on your posts and stories, reply back. This helps you build a relationship with them. And since most sales questions happen in DMs, make sure you promptly respond to every DM you get.

Get Help Developing Your Personal Brand

Do you need help jumpstarting your Instagram account for your network marketing business? We can help! Simply call us today to schedule a consultation at (949) 484-9104 or fill out our online contact form.

Lane Burns

Author Lane Burns

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